1 loaf chocolate cake 2 tbsp strong coffee 2 cups Clover Bliss medium cream chocolate dairy dessert 1 ½ cup cream cheese 1 tsp vanilla essence tbsp icing sugar 180g chocolate, chopped 1 cup whipped cream Foil for rounds Chocolate shavings for serving.
Cut out rounds from the chocolate cake and place into a pyrex or freezer friendly dish. Wrap foil around the ciricle and wrap the foil round around the cake round. Drizzle with coffee. Mix together the cream cheese, Bliss chocoalte dairy dessert, vanilla essence and icing sugar. Fold in the chocolate and pour on top of the cake rounds. Freeze until set and remove the foil. Serve with more Clover Bliss dairy dessert, whipped cream and chocolate shavings.
Chefs Tip: Clover Bliss Medium Cream Chocolate Dairy Dessert is a ready to eat chocolate dairy dessert that you can pour, sauce it or top it with any sweet treat.