1L Manhattan ice tea, peach flavour 250g Strawberries Handful of fresh mint 1 green granny smith apple, sliced 200g frozen raspberries 1L sparkling water 175g pomegranate rubies
2 ice cube trays
Make strawberry ice cubes by blending half the strawberries with ½ cup water until smooth. Pour the puree into one of the ice cubes tray and freeze. Pick mint leaves and place 1 leaf per block in the other ice cube tray, fill with water and freeze. Once the ice cubes are all frozen, place two cubes of each variation in a glass. Divide this amongst 6-8 glasses. Cut the remaining strawberries into quarters and divide amongst the glasses followed by the raspberries and pomegranate rubies. Add a slice of the apple in each glass. Pour the ice tea halfway, and top up with the sparkling water.
Chefs Tip: Make ahead and keep in the fridge for a healthier, refreshing drink on a hot afternoon!