500g Thick Boerewors 4 Hot Dog Rolls ¼ Cup Caramelized Onions 6 Tbsp Chakalaka 4 Tbsp Chutney 4 Tbsp Crosse and Blackwell Kasi mMagic sauce of your choice 2 Tbsp Oil
Add the oil to a medium preheated pan and add the boerewors and cook for 4 minutes on each side or until cooked through. To assemble the boerie roll, spread Blackwell Kasi Magic Sauce of your choice on the base of the rolls, add a portion of cooked wors, top with some onions, chutney and chakalaka. Top with some more Crosse and Blackwell Kasi Magic sauce of your choice and serve.
Chefs Tip: Avoid piercing your boerewors when cooking to retain the moisture