Amagwinya with Crosse & Blackwell Kasi Magic

Add a touch of magic to your kasi favourites with Kasi Magic sauces!

Serves: 4-6
Time: 2 hours
Recipe by: Nicole Snelling


500g cake flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
30g butter or margarine
5g instant dry yeast
1¼ Cup lukewarm water
oil for deep frying

To serve:
Crosse & Blackwell Kasi Magic, flavours of your choice
fried Russian sausages
Potato slap chips


Add the flour, salt and sugar together in a mixing bowl. Add the butter or margarine, rub into the flour using you’re your fingertips. Add the instant yeast to the water and allow the yeast to activate.
Add the water to the flour mixture to form a soft dough. If the dough is too stiff gradually add extra water.
Knead the dough for 10-15 minutes, until smooth and elastic. Place dough in a clean bowl and cover with clingfilm or cloth. Allow to rest and double in size for 20—30 minutes.
Once dough has doubled in size, divide dough into small balls and allow to rest again for 25-30 minutes.
While dough is proving, heat enough oil for deep frying in a saucepan on a low heat.
Once the dough has proved, bring the oil to a medium heat.
Drop the balls into the hot oil and allow to cook until golden brown and cooked through.
Scoop out of the oil with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels. Allow to cool and serve with your favourite fillings and Crosse & Blackwell Kasi Magic of your choice.

Chefs Tip: Flatten the dough balls slightly before frying them, this helps then to cook through evenly without turning to dark in colour.

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