Aromatic Citrus Chicken

A healthy chicken dish with a hint of citrus makes an amazing mouth watering combination.

Serves: 6
Time: 2 hours
Recipe by: The Dash Diet


8-10 dried apricots, quartered
½ cup (125 ml) strong warm Rooibos tea
1 x 50 g (50 ml) sachet tomato paste
2 tbsp (30 ml) olive oil
finely grated rind and juice of 1 orange (see tip)
1 tbsp (15 ml) lemon juice
2 tsp (10 ml) finely grated lemon rind
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
1 tsp (5 ml) ground coriander
1 tsp (5 ml) ground cumin
4 tsp (20 ml) paprika
2 tbsp (30 ml) chopped fresh parsley
1,3 kg chicken breasts on the bone, excess fat removed (about 6-8 portions)
1 orange in the skin, cut into thin wedges
black pepper to taste


Soak apricots in Rooibos tea for 20 minutes or until plump.
Mix tomato paste, oil, both the citrus juices and rinds, garlic, spices and parsley together.
Place chicken with apricots and any leftover Rooibos tea in a large mixing bowl. Pour the marinade over and toss well. Cover and marinate in the fridge for 1 hour.
Preheat the oven to 180 °C.
Spoon chicken with all the marinade into an oven dish. Place orange wedges in between the chicken and season with pepper.
Cover with foil and roast for 30 minutes. Remove the foil and roast for another 15-20 minutes or until just cooked, but still juicy.
Serve chicken and orange wedges with some of the sauce on a small portion of the sweet potato & bean mash. Or enjoy with any healthy side of your choice.

Chefs Tip: When oranges are not in season, replace the orange juice with more strong Rooibos tea and add another 15 ml lemon rind. Replace orange wedges with 1 onion, cut into wedges.

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