A great way to stay naturally refreshed as a morning beverage, after a workout or after fasting.
Serves: 6-8 Time: 10 minutes
1L Manhattan ice tea, lemon flavour Few mint sprigs Zest and juice of 1 lime 1 tbsp brown sugar 1 cup blueberries ice cubes Sliced lime for garnish Handful of fresh mint
To a jug, add the mint, zest and juice of lime, brown sugar and blueberries. Using a muddler or the back of a wooden spoon, slightly smash the berries and muddle with the mint and lime juice. Keep some berries whole.
Add ice cubes to the jug and fill up with the Manhattan iced tea. Garnish with lime slices and mint and give it a good stir.
Chefs Tip: You can add different fruits to this drink if you prefer!