Woolworths – 2 Ways to use leftover herbs

There are many ways how to save your leftover herbs and making them into a delicious meal.

Freezer friendly herby pasta
Recipe by: Clem Pedro

Serves: 4
Prep: 15 minutes
Cooking: 10 minutes


For the garlicy breadcrumbs

3T canola or olive oil, extra for the sauce
3 slices of frozen bread, pulsed into crumbs
4 cloves of garlic
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1 x 400g can Mediterranean style tomatoes
4 cubes of salsa verde ice cubes
350g – 500g frozen paste, thawed


Prepare your breadcrumbs by heating the oil over a medium heat. Add you breadcrumbs and allow them to slowly begin toasting, tossing the pan every few seconds to evenly brown. Once lightly golden add your garlic and continue cooking until golden brown and cooked through. Remove from the pan and set aside.

In the same can heat some olive oil and add your tinned tomatoes along with your salsa verde cubes. Allow the cubes to melt into the sauce and bring to a simmer before adding your pasta and cooking for another 3 minutes before dishing into serving bowls and topping with your garlicy breadcrumbs

Herby salsa verde ice cubes


10g parsley
10g basil
10g mint
10g carrot tops
2 cloves garlic
Salt and freshly ground black pepper taste
2T olive oil
2T water


Blend together all your ingredients, for a chunky salsa simply pulse until a course mixture forms for a smoother salsa blend a little longer until well combined.

Chefs Tip: Freeze any leftover rice, by adding it to a labled ziplock bag. Ensure that the rice is slightly chilled or close to room temperature before freezing.

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