20 minute meal hacks Recipes

Planning and prepping your meals ahead as a student at res not only saves you time, it also makes healthier choices a no brainer. The rules are easy, simply start with the staples you have and take it from there.

All recipes by Monicia Horne


  • 1 cup oats
  • 1 cup milk
  • ½ cup Clover Bliss double cream yoghurt, any flavour
  • 1 tsp honey, maple syrup or sugar
  • Berries or fruit for topping

How To Make Overnight oats

  1. Prepare the oats according to pack instructions with the milk.
  2. Stir through the yoghurt and sugar or honey.
  3. Top with more yoghurt and berries or fruit and close the container.


  • 1 cup Clover Bliss double cream yoghurt, plain flavour
  • Meat of choice
  • Spices and herbs of choice
  • Lemon juice (optional)

How To Make Meat 3 ways

  1. In a bowl, mix together the yoghurt, spices and herbs if using and a squeeze of lemon juice.
  2. Place cut up meat into a zipseal bag and pour in the yoghurt marinade.
  3. Place the freezer for when ready to use.


  • 1 bag nacho chips
    ready made savoury mince
    grated cheese
  • ¼ cup Clover Bliss double cream yoghurt
  • 1 avo, mashed
  • salt and pepper to taste

How To Make Nachos

  1. Slit the nacho chip bag open. Heat up the mince and scoop onto the nacho chips.
  2. Top with grated cheese to allow to melt slightly.
  3. Mix together the Bliss yoghurt with the avo and season with salt and pepper.
  4. Serve on top of nachos.

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