Refreshing Spring Mocktail WOOLWORTHS Freshly Brewed Iced Teas are perfect to welcome in the warmer weather!Recipe by Clement Pedro Ingredients:Mixed Berry Iced MoctailMixed berriesMintWoolies Soda Water canMixed Berry Rooibos Iced TeasPeach Iced Tea MocktailLemonGold Peach Rooibos Iced TeasSoda Water in cans How To Make:For the Mixed Berry Iced Tea Mocktail:Freeze mixed berries in ice cubes with mint. Mix together the Mixed Berry Ice Tea with soda water and add in a few mixed berries and mint ice cubes.For the Peach Iced Tea Mocktail:Mix the Peach Rooibos Iced Tea with the soda water.Add in a few LemonGold slices. Chefs Tip: Pairing Suggestion – Serve a quartered, grilled peach with a large basil leaf and Parma ham on a seeded cracker. Watch How To Make Spring Mocktails: